It looks like the walls are clad in stucco or some other cementitious product, which is cracking. It does not necessarily mean that the structure is failing. There does not appear to be any functional control joints in this rather large ...
Online CivilForum Latest Questions
Thomas Britto
Asked: April 19, 2018In: Civil
Every profession is important. There’s no any independent profession, all are interdependent. So, lower your ego.
Australia; there are still major land and ground work going on where other countries are building skyscrapers nowadays.
Thomas Britto
Asked: April 18, 2018In: Construction
Focus on your skill if you truly want to make money.
If u want to spend some time with ur family members you skip civil engineering field. I’m a Civil engineer
Thomas Britto
Asked: April 19, 2018In: Civil Jobs
Thomas Britto
Asked: April 18, 2018In: Construction