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Green Building in Modern Construction and Benefits

Green Building in Modern Construction and Benefits

Green Building in Modern Construction and Benefits A structure and using process that is environmentally responsible and resource efficient throughout a buildings life cycle from sitting to design,construction,operation,maintence,renovation and demolition. In economically friendly to all purpose of construction site and ...

Demand for Houses and the Basic needs

Demand for Houses and the Basic needs

Demand for Houses and the Basic needs House is one of the 3 basic necessities like food, cloth and home of the life and is thus primary unit of human habitation. House grants protection against wind,wheather,rain,sun and wild animals. It ...

Importance of Housing to our Life

Importance of Housing to our Life

Importance of Housing to our Life A house is defined by the National Building Organization as a pucca or semi pucca unit of dwelling that can accommodate an average household in Housing. A pucca house is one, which walls and ...

Elements to Determine Cost of the House

<strong>Elements to Determine Cost of the House</strong>

Elements to Determine Cost of the House a) Readymade Properties in Cost of the HouseĀ  i) Agreement price for purchasing the property. ii) Value of services supplied in conjunction with the flat and price made one by one below an ...