We are looking for Engineer / Sr Engineer / Asst.Manager – (Civil/Mechanical – Pipeline, Planning/Billing/Quantity Survey)
Experience: 3 to 8 Yrs Only
Education: B.Tech / Diploma (Civil/Mechanical), (PG – NICMAR Preferable for Planning/QS/Billing)
Job Location: Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh
Experience Required : Planning, Billing, Quantity Survey, Pipeline Laying, Execution of Drawings, Water Supply, STP, DI, MS, HDPE, Pumphouse, OHT, ESR’S, Tanks Construction of PumpHouse/ZBT /ZBR/Buildings, QA/QC, WTP, GLSR, OHT, Pipe Line MS & Valves erection, laying pipeline works etc..
Note: Water Supply Pipeline Experience Preferred
Please share your profiles to mnareshkumar@meghaeng.com with subject line – Profile for Irrigation Project
Mention the Below Details
Expertise in –
Total Experience-
Present Company-
Project Location-
Educational Qualification-
Present CTC-
Expected CTC-
Notice Period-
Native Place-